Monday, August 12, 2013

I live for these kids

Here are a few pictures of my kids from the last couple of weeks :)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

all about my mom :)

Seriously I could not ask for a better mom! She has sure had her fair share of trials and she always bounces back better than anyone. She is such a good example to me and my kids. I hope she knows how great she is! I love you mom!! 

Plus she gave my two pretty awesome sisters! :)

hope to keep it up

I have been trying so hard to get back in shape. For a while I was going to the gym at night with two of my friends. Work that changed when I couldn't get a baby sitter that late. I took two weeks off and now I'm back at it. I am going with my friend from work now at 5:30AM!!! Crazy huh?! I am posting a picture from last year and this year to keep me motivated so sorry if anyone gets offended. Here goes nothing....

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

finally ready to (long)

This blog is going to be all about when we got pregnant with Addison. A lot of people don't know that our third pregnancy started off with two babies.
When we got pregnant jarrom and I were in shock to say the least. I took a test at night on the day I was supposed to start my period. I was in the bathroom and said "crap" and jarrom said "haha yeah right very funny" I told him I was serious that's when he freaked out lol.

Anyway we weren't into the doctors a few weeks later and to our surprise our Dr told us that we were pregnant with two babies we both were nervous and were super excited at the same time. The babies were growing a day apart but looked great!

The next few weeks we told a few people not a lot since we were pretty early on in the pregnancy.

We went into the drs and my in-laws watched the other two kids. As they called us into the back I was so excited to see the babies again.....then I got the words I hope no one ever has to hear. " I can't find a heart beat" my heart sank and I tried so hard to be happy that we still had one healthy baby. I was so shocked I felt fine and I had no signs of any problems.

Jarrom held my hand and walked me crying out of the office.we got home and I just laid in bed for hours crying, worried about the other baby and if it would survive. Jarrom called his parents and they kept the kids fir a long time.

Over the rest of my pregnancy I had good days and bad days. When I went into labor with Addison that was the hardest. The other babies water broke and after a while they realized it wasn't Addis so they broke hers. That was a huge reminder that there were supposed to be two.

After everyone left from visiting us at the hospital jarrom broke down. It was hard for both of us that we didn't get to meet our other baby. Addison was so perfect and we just couldn't stop living her up :) what a mix emotion day.

Still 2 years later I still cry all the time thinking about that baby and wonder what he/she would have been like. And I always feel like I am missing a kid I always count all three and subconsciously I feel like I am missing one.

I am so grateful for my kids and husband. I would be nothing without them. What an amazing man I married to support me still with everything! Sorry it was so long by I am trying to get it all out there so I can start to heal.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

wow what a year!

my family hasn't grown any new members this year! yay I should win an award! savannah just finished preschool which makes me sad she is going to go to kindergarten in the fall. She also did competition dance this year and did amazing. She isn't so little anymore. Tanner is probably about the funniest kid you will ever meet :) He asks about everything and is so curious. He does like to beat up his sisters on occasion but what brother wouldn't.Addison is growing in to her own little person she is so sweet but she is a mamas girl for sure! she is so quiet. Savannah just got her tonsils and adenoids taken out in april, on that same day addison got tubes in her ears. It has helped with savannahs sleeping problems, and addisons speech,hearing and balance.Jarrom and I are going great :) I cant believe how much i still love that man! We just celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary! We are both working full time on opposite shifts, I go to work at 6:30-3 and jarrom from 4-3. its hard but no one has to watch our kids every day which was the goal.Jarroms parents are so sweet they would do a.ythimg for our kids or us at the drop of a hat :) My mom would too but she is always busy working or doing relief society stuff all the time! :)I guess thats what happens when you are the president. Life has been super busy and I am glad I have the people in my life that I do. I hope I can update more often soon.                                                                                                                      I updated on my phone so IM sorry if things are spelt wrong :)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

December 21st

Today we woke up in the hospital and order room service for breakfast and we had the most gross pancakes ever! It tasted like it was really old mix or something i really prefer mckay hospitals food over ogden regional lol. I had a very down day today which isn't like me but i couldn't stop crying. My grandma and my aunt trish came to visit after they left it was time for jarrom to go to work so i cried even more because i felt alone even though jarrom is so much help i was just extremely nervous to be all by myself. My mom came up and stayed until about 10:30 and it was nice to just talk with her. She makes everything better i love my mom. Our midwife came up to talk and make sure i was ok and i just love her! If we ever decide to have more kids (right now its a NO!) she will be the one delivering it agian! While mom was up there we found out that a lady that had her baby today that the baby didn't make it :( it makes me so sad to think about and i am so greatful that we have a healthy little girl that joined our family.

december 22nd

Jarrom got back to the hospital around 3am and i was so happy to see him! We fell asleep and when we woke up i was so ready to go home and pick up the other two kids! It took forever for the nurses to get the paper work to release us good gosh! We started watching cribs on mtv and jarrom decided that he wants shaq's house! I wonder why he has the superman symbol on EVERYTHING yep that is jarrom's dream house. Finally they brought us the paperwork and we went and got the kids! I was so happy to see them! We went and got my meds and went home. Jarrom had to go to work so he went and got in the shower and left :( Wow three kids is really different than two! Mom came over to help which was nice so i wasn't all by myself. Savannah is so in love with Addison! Tanner on the other hand is not fond of her. He wont let me hold him its like he wants nothing to do with me because i had another baby. Hopefully he will come around.